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The Tiger

Death Valley Towing agrees to stop towing cars at home football games

Katie Bradham, Owner of a Multi-Thousand Dollar Camera

Death Valley towing sign.

Death Valley Towing has signed a contract agreeing to temporarily cease the towing of cars on home game weekends. For the 2023-2024 football season, you can park anywhere on campus without the worry of returning to a ticket on your windshield. 

If you have ever been to Clemson on the weekend of a home football game, you know the driving experience is anything but pleasant. After hours of stalking the aisles for parking or spending $500, you finally land a spot. 

Nowadays, every parking spot is either too far from the stadium or way too expensive. Thankfully, the local towing company’s gracious offer will save loyal fans hundreds of dollars.

Park in any student spot, teacher spot, Memorial Stadium spot or even park on the grass! There are endless places to leave your car now without the stress of returning to an empty space.

“We have experienced way too many incidents during home football games,” A Death Valley Towing representative said. “On weekends that the Tigers play in Death Valley, the volume of cars flowing into the tow yard is overwhelming.”

The people of Clemson have already thanked Death Valley Towing for this gracious act, as it will allow for peace of mind when coming to the next home game.

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