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The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

A graph shows increasing wealth inequality between races.

Kent: How do people not understand affirmative action?

Garrett Kent, Senior Reporter February 2, 2023

Instead of getting lost down the road of convenient catchphrases, political point-scoring and territorial battles over moral high ground, let’s make sure we know what we’re arguing about. So,...

Clemson’s constant construction and the changing face of campus

Healey Lucier, Outlook Editor January 26, 2023

Any student who attends in-person classes knows about the parking problem. Lot closures and construction make commuting to class virtually impossible for some students. Clemson University has done...

Don't become dependent on AI writing programs this semester

Don’t become dependent on AI writing programs this semester

Madison Akers, Columnist January 26, 2023

Since 2022, artificial intelligence programs have been steadily becoming more popular, especially among college students.Over the past year, AI-generated art programs seem to be at the center of controversial...

Something more needs to be done about student loan debt

Kylie Tutterrow, Asst. Outlook Editor January 26, 2023

Increasing amounts of student loan debt are evolving into a crisis in America, and the best thing to do is to embrace loan forgiveness and debt relief.A college education is becoming increasingly expensive...

Grace Coffee Tip

From the Editor’s Desk: Tips are always welcome, and always expected

David Ferrara, Editor-in-Chief January 26, 2023

We all know the scene: you've just told the cashier your order, they've punched it into the tablet and then they swivel it around toward you."It's just going to ask a few questions," they mumble to you...

Speak Up!: How have the changes to parking affected you this semester?

Kylie Tutterrow // Asst. Outlook Editor Madison Akers // Columnist January 26, 2023

"It has taken me significantly longer to find parking. The other day I was almost late to class and I still gave myself 40 minutes to find parking. It took the entire time. I went through three different...

Nathan Dumlao -unsplash

Affirmative action has to go

Blake Mauro, Associate Editor January 11, 2023

Affirmative action is the most discriminatory initiative in the college admissions process. Tipping the scales to favor one race over another directly contradicts what America has been fighting to...


The benefits of humanities in a STEM world

Kylie Tutterrow, Asst. Outlook Editor January 11, 2023

The humanities often get a bad reputation, branded as a useless degree in comparison to science, technology, engineering and math-based degrees; however, this is not the case.Society is always looking...

Mourning a long break... image

Mourning a long break and adjusting to a new semester

Madison Akers, Columnist January 11, 2023

As we get deeper into January and begin to mourn the dreadful loss of winter break, it’s time to start looking forward. A new year has just begun, and we have all been given an opportunity for...

Tutterrow: Looking towards finals with five tips to help you

Kylie Tutterrow, Asst. Outlook Editor December 1, 2022

As the semester comes to a close, everyone’s favorite time of year is around the corner — finals week. Many students are lost in the mayhem of stressing over finals and never really take a...

The Tiger's staff at the second annual fall banquet in the Hendrix Student Center.

Volume 116 in review

David Ferrara, Editor-in-Chief December 1, 2022

As the fall semester comes to a close and the holidays near, another year is almost in the books. At The Tiger, we're concluding our 115th year as South Carolina's oldest college newspaper and our 116th...

Clemson has dozens of these emergency "blue light" phones across campus.

Lucier: Women’s safety

Healey Lucier, Outlook Editor December 1, 2022

This is a sensitive subject for many, so if you have been affected by violence or assault, please continue with caution. This article does not go into detail about assault, but it does mention the reporting...

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