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The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

A young girl holds up a Nikki Haley For President sign during her campaign announcement on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023, at the Charleston Visitor Center.

Clemson trustee and alumna announces bid for White House

David Ferrara // Editor-in-Chief and Blake Mauro // Associate Editor February 15, 2023

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Nikki Haley, Clemson alumna and former governor of South Carolina, formally launched her bid for president with her first campaign event on Wednesday. Haley shared her vision “to...

A handicap symbol on a street

Cortez: The curb cut effect and how it helps us all

Jacqueline Cortez February 15, 2023

Everyone is familiar with a curb cut, even if they don’t know they are. A curb cut is when a ramp is "cut" into sidewalks to provide better mobility for those with physical disabilities. Berkeley,...

Students holding a flag reading abide no hatred

Lucier: Where the line blurs between intolerance and free speech

Healey Lucier, Outlook Editor February 9, 2023

When we were younger, we were taught not to bully. We would call each other names, and our immature comments on the playground were often defended with the tried-and-true ‘‘It’s a free...

Social Media stock

Tutterrow: Stop getting all of your news from social media

Kylie Tutterrow, Asst. Outlook Editor February 3, 2023

In a rapidly expanding world of technology, social media is becoming the quickest and most convenient way to spread news. Users can easily share and comment on information, unsurprisingly, making it the...

A graph shows increasing wealth inequality between races.

Kent: How do people not understand affirmative action?

Garrett Kent, Senior Reporter February 2, 2023

Instead of getting lost down the road of convenient catchphrases, political point-scoring and territorial battles over moral high ground, let’s make sure we know what we’re arguing about. So,...

Something more needs to be done about student loan debt

Kylie Tutterrow, Asst. Outlook Editor January 26, 2023

Increasing amounts of student loan debt are evolving into a crisis in America, and the best thing to do is to embrace loan forgiveness and debt relief.A college education is becoming increasingly expensive...


The benefits of humanities in a STEM world

Kylie Tutterrow, Asst. Outlook Editor January 11, 2023

The humanities often get a bad reputation, branded as a useless degree in comparison to science, technology, engineering and math-based degrees; however, this is not the case.Society is always looking...

A photo of the state capital.

Lucier: A missing red wave and a win for abortion activists

Healey Lucier, Outlook Editor November 17, 2022

Elections are always a controversial topic around the Thanksgiving table, and if you don’t know what happened, you can easily get lost in conversation. So, here’s what happened, more or less.  The...

Representatives from South Carolina, U.S. Congress and the USDA announced a $70 million investment into Clemson and South Carolina State universities to support Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities.

Clemson and SC State funded up to $70 million for sustainable agriculture

Krushi Patel, Asst. News Editor October 13, 2022

Clemson University and SC State are receiving up to $70 million initial funding to partner with the USDA to find innovative ways to positively impact the climate, according to a recent announcement...

A student-led Pride rally last March spoke out against hate and stood up for what they believe in.

In respect of marriage

Healey Lucier, Outlook Editor September 15, 2022

I've rewritten this article three times now. It's hard for me to put into words how sad and tired I am that we as a nation have to have this conversation again. The last time we had it, I was a freshman...

Yik Yak is back, but for how long?

Aaliyah Simmons-Rivers, Contributor May 14, 2022

Last fall Yik Yak was relaunched under new ownership and management after shutting down five years ago. Its anonymous format inspired cyber-bullying, hate speech and threats of violence.   Despite...

Supporters wore yellow and blue and carried signs to show their support for Ukraine.

Students rally for Ukraine

Dawson Baker, Asst. News Editor March 10, 2022

As events have unfolded between Russia and Ukraine, Clemson students and community members held a rally on Bowman Field on Sunday, March 6 in support of Ukrainian independence. The rally featured several...

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