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The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

The Student News Site of Clemson University

The Tiger

Caroline Block, The Tiger's Editor-in-Chief for the fall 2024 semester.

From the Editor’s Desk: Meet the new Editor-in-Chief

Caroline Block, Editor-in-Chief April 4, 2024

Hi everyone! At The Tiger, April always signifies a transition period as we move from our spring leadership to our newly elected fall leadership. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself...

There are multiple risk factors associated with smoking or using marijuana.

From the Editor’s Desk: The dangers behind your high

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief January 25, 2024

What do these words all have in common: weed, pot, dope, grass, reefer, herb, Mary Jane? If you’re thinking they’re all slang for marijuana, you’re right! And if you said they’re all extremely...

Spill the Beans is a popular ice cream shop in downtown Clemson. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, they are serving all customers outside the shop via a counter placed at the door.

From the Editor’s Desk: Give thanks to students who work

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief January 10, 2024

Being a college student demands a lot from a person. It demands consistent thought, hard work, perseverance and, most importantly, it takes money and a lot of it. I want to take this space to give thanks...

Dabo Swinney has led the Tigers to unprecedented highs as Clemson's head coach, a feat current students need to realize.

From the Editor’s Desk: Dabo is part of the Clemson Family, treat him that way

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2023

I have always been proud to be a Clemson Tiger. I really can not think of a single time, since I was a sophomore in high school all the way through these three and a half years at Clemson, that I was ashamed...

Free speech is a hallmark of the college experience, and needs to be better protected on university campuses.

From the Editor’s Desk: The importance of free speech on college campuses

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2023

College campuses provide numerous unmatched opportunities. Opportunities to grow as a person, make lifelong friends, find your passion, but, arguably most important, the opportunity to speak freely while...

Journalists, publishers and the public have been celebrating National Newspaper Week since 1940.

From the Editor’s Desk: Happy National Newspaper Week

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief October 5, 2023

This year marks the 83rd anniversary of National Newspaper Week! Since 1940, newspaper organizations across the U.S. and Canada have dedicated a whole week to recognizing their local, state and national...

Each time a professor cancels class, a student can lose more than $175.

From the Editor’s Desk: The true value of cancelling class

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief September 21, 2023

We’ve all been there. It’s a jam-packed week. You are taking 18 credit hours, have three exams and are expected to be at multiple club meetings. Sometimes, sitting in class isn't the most beneficial...

Tillman Hall is one of the most well-known buildings on Clemson's campus.

From the Editor’s desk: Welcome home, Tigers!

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief August 23, 2023

Welcome home, Tigers!  Whether you’re a returning Tiger, transferring Tiger or freshman Tiger, Clemson, South Carolina, and The Tiger welcomes you home!  This is my final year here at Clemson...

Alumni Hall's Clemson sign located in downtown Clemson.

From the Editor’s Desk: Welcome Class of 2027

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief July 6, 2023

Hello, and welcome to Clemson! This is one of the most exciting times of your life - you’re beginning your college career at, in my opinion, the best university there is.  As you begin your...

Clemson University President Jim Clements applauds the class of 2023 at the spring graduation ceremony. 

From the Editor’s Desk: Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief April 27, 2023

It’s that time of the year, the most bittersweet of them all: commencement. You have all accomplished something so great: You are about to graduate college, and not just any college, Clemson University. You...

Blake Mauro // Editor-in-Chief 

From the Editor’s Desk: Meet your new EIC

Blake Mauro, Editor-in-Chief April 6, 2023

Hi! This is the first time in over two years you are hearing from a new editor-in-chief, so let me introduce myself. I am a senior political science major from your most-beloved state, New Jersey. I have...

Papers stock photo

From the Editor’s Desk: This Sunshine Week, take advantage of your freedom of information

David Ferrara, Editor-in-Chief March 9, 2023

It's safe to say that we are all familiar with our freedom of speech in the United States. And thanks to our freedom of the press, newspapers everywhere are able to freely publish the news. One freedom...

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