So as you all probably know, the Clemson football team was recently denied victory for the first time this season. It’s horrible. In fact, it’s terrible, and we all need some way to deal with this horrible hand we have been dealt. So if you need some ways to cope, this list is for you.
- Stress eat. Just go ahead and eat every single piece of food you currently own. Why not? It will definitely make you feel better. You might gain a few pounds, but all the cheering you’ll be doing at the next game should help them melt right back off.
- Beat up your roommate. I don’t know, they just look so … punch-able. Plus, they’ve kind of been asking for it with all the refusing to take out the trash and eating all your food and such. (Side note: I don’t actually condone beating up the person you live with. It’s probably not in your best interest anyway since you have to keep living with them after today.)
- Binge-watch winning Clemson games. You can probably find a montage of previous games somewhere on the internet. I know reliving the glory days probably isn’t healthy, but at least you can feel like Clemson is winning again for a couple hours. Everyone talks about high school, but no one ever said that peaking in college was a bad thing.
- Just birds, man. Go outside and shout your frustrations at the birds. The birds don’t care. They will accept your pain. They might fly away, but there will be no repercussions from your screaming.
- Sleep the pain away. You might end up missing a couple of classes or due dates, but at least the sweet, sweet comfort of dreaming can serve as an escape from the memories of the Pittsburgh.
- Just keep smiling. Everyone knows that feeling good can make you smile, but did you know that smiling can actually make you feel good? All you have to do is always smile. 24/7. Even while you are sleeping. It might start to hurt, but at least you will appear to have a positive attitude!
- Jokes. Just like smiling, a hearty laugh does the body wonders. I find that puns are my drug of choice. With puns, you will definitely get a few giggles, but you might lose a few friends. So use with caution.
I know these trying times are hard, but if you follow this list to the T, you should be able to make it to the Bowl Games without having a mental breakdown. I wish the best of luck to all of you!